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Here at Doctosmart, we believe that every piece of data can be a source of valuable insight. That's why we have developed a report generation tool that lets you take raw data from your clinic and apply it to business intelligence practices.
Analyse your clinic operations with the reports generated by our clinic management software. These reports will help you analyze your business as a whole and make decisions about how to improve.
Doctosmart puts your metrics right at your fingertips. Our easy-to-use interface allows you to search by any metric or combination of metrics to find exactly what you're looking for.
Now when you're making decisions about how your clinic will operate, you can see how those decisions are being reflected in the numbers.
Track your team members success by the number of clients they bring in, appointments or the amount of merchandise they sell, and more.
Growth chart analysis of clinic's performance details. It helps doctors to monitor and analyse the big data more simply and convenienty.
It is an all-inclusive software that enables doctors to monitor the performance of their clinics. This software is designed to optimize your practice and enhance work efficiency.
Doctosmart's brand-new Report Generator uses the power of your data to visualize your clinic's performance. Pull up pie charts, bar graphs, and scatter plots—and have them emailed to you on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
It helps doctors provide better care to their patients by letting them capture, store, and analyze clinical data through its cutting-edge technology.
We'll want to know what kind of work flow you have now, what works well for you, and where we might be able to simplify things so that everything runs more smoothly.