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How it Works

We know how hard it can be to make your practice more efficient, and we wanted to find a way to do it for you.
By using Doctosmart, you can get back to what really matters: Your patients.


Doctosmart is a simple, cloud-based online clinic management and documentation software that helps clinics manage all their documentation needs in one place. It has a user-friendly interface.


It's fast - our online practice management software can do all of your management tasks in half the time it would take you using traditional methods. Our goal is to make your work day more streamlined


Doctosmart gives you full control over the process. You can focus on your patients, and leave the rest to us. We help you streamline your work, save time and money, and build a more efficient practice.


We're a team of technology gurus, doctors and nurses who came together to create the world’s best affordable clinic management software. Our software is always up to date.


Data is stored in AWS cloud system with the best level of 256-bit encryption - the most secure one in the world right now. This ensures full compliance with HIPAA security rules.

Multi-Admin Access

With Doctosmart, you can give multiple admin users access to your clinic management platform so you can streamline workflows and never miss a beat! manage your clinic at fingertips!

At your comfort zone!

All our clinic software is web based therefore accessible from any laptop or computer that has a web connection. You get access to your healthcare information from anywhere anytime.

WhatsApp Reminders

We provides a hassle-free way to send WhatsApp appointment reminders to your patients and doctors. it is perfect for busy doctors like you who want to improve patient attendance.

Sync data on mobile app

Are you tired of manually entering your clinic data into different apps? We know we are. That's why we created Doctosmart: the smart way to sync your clinic data, so you don't have to.

Best-in-class and fully fledged online software for manage your clinic

To make running the administrative side of your practice faster and easier so you can focus on helping your patients get better, not sorting through stacks of paperwork.

  • Easy to use and affordable.
  • Improves your productivity and revenue.
  • Your patients stay informed, reachable, and in control of their medical.
  • Go paperless and automate office processes with a cloud based clinic management software